icOn 4 Zen happy buyer

Dear Pal,
I think by now I have a clear idea as to what I have got with your preamp. To cut the long story short – everything is great. Since I was always connecting my phonostage directly into the power amps, it was really easy to establish what – if anything – has changed with the introduction of the Zen. And the answer is: nothing. The only difference is a positive one – I can now listen to much lower volumes without any degradation in tone or dynamics. And that is not a small thing. Now, in addition to that, I can also connect a better DAC into the system, without being constrained by the need to use a DAC with its own volume control. And so I did, by, first, (re)introducing Metrum’s Pavane into the system, and then swapping it for Metrum Amethyst. Amethyst is a lesser DAC, of course, but then I can make use of Pavane’s balanced outputs to better effect where it really matters – in a headphone system in the office. So, all in all, I am really happy with what I have now.
Thank you very much again!


Posted on

October 18, 2022

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