icOn 4 Zen happy buyer

Dear Pal, I think by now I have a clear idea as to what I have got with your preamp. To cut the long story short – everything is great. Since I was always connecting my phonostage directly into the power amps, it was really easy to establish what – if...

“The Worst Review ever”

Yes, you read it right. Not because icOn would be expensive, on the contrary. Not because of the looks; while not Electronluv style, it has a minimalist post industrial bijou presentation, which should prepare you for the …surprise. Did I write...

Real pleasure

First, it is such an easy and fuss-free unit to use. It is a real pleasure. Sound-wise, it is so natural and much closer to the real thing. It is so quiet that it let you discover everything which is on the recording.

Terrific design

Just to tell you how pleased I am with the sound quality of the Icon.  It’s remarkable!!  I’ve always believed the passive preamps do not have a signature sound of their own, but rather simply convey 100% of the source material without veiling or loss of...
The sound is really divine

The sound is really divine

“I am listening to Bill Evans at the moment and the sound is really divine. The combination of the cartridge and preamp really brings out the best of this vinyl recording.” “Hi Pal, The icOn 4PRO arrived safely. Wow, what fantastic packaging, inside...